Codux Help Center

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Component Styles Aren't Showing

Codux uses boards to mock your project's components in isolation. This total isolation gives developers, designers, QA, PM, and all other product stakeholders the capacity to focus on, and perfect each componen

Codux Safe Render Errors

The following table categorizes the different types of errors that Codux Safe Render detects and isolates while rendering components on boards:Error TypeSuggested SolutionError in a component's codeEdit the com

Unable to Clone or Create Project

When cloning a project with Codux, you get the following error message:Similarly, when creating a new project in Codux, you get this message:These are indicators that Git is missing on your computer.Important!

Missing Path for New Components Message

It isn't possible to create a new component in Codux if the default path for new components hasn't yet been configured. If you see an error message like the one below, check that there is a componentsPath confi

The Selected Template is Invalid

If you're seeing an error message that the selected template is invalid (like this), it likely means that the template you have selected doesn't have a valid component file. Check that there is a component file

Sync Failed: Try again or check the repository permissions

If you see an error along the lines of "push" or "sync" failed, it can mean one of two things:You don't have the necessary permissions to the repository.You don't have the SSH key on your computer that you need

Boards Don’t Load: Cannot Resolve “@wixc3/react-board”

Boards do not render in Codux, and a "something went wrong" error shows that @wixc3/react-board cannot be resolved.Sorry, your browser doesn't support HTML 5 video.Solution Codux requires the @wixc3/react-board

Using React Router

React can't handle routing on its own, and therefor relies on libraries for help. One such library is React Router, where users can achieve page routing by wrapping their app in one of the provided router compo

Install Script Error: Request Failed with "404 Not Found"

This article includes some suggestions that may help when you've tried to run an install script in Codux and got an error like the following:yarn install v1.22.19 [1/5] Validating package.json... [2/5] Resolvin

Invalid Board with Components in the Add Elements Panel

Boards contain components and HTML elements that have specific permutations of props, states, and styles for more specific use cases. To use a board with components in the Add Elements panel, the board that the