Customizing the Path for New Components and Component Templates

Codux needs to know where you'd like to save the components you create and their related files. If you started the project from one of the templates we offer in Codux, a path is already set for you. If not, you'll need to set it.
The configuration key newComponent also contains a property for setting a path to component templates.


  • Description: Configuration for new components.
  • Type: Object {}
  • Properties: componentsPath (string, required), templatesPath (string, optional)

Property: componentsPath (string, required)  

The componentsPath property specifies that path where new component files are saved to. Here's how it's used:
    "$schema": "",
    "newComponent": {
        "componentsPath": "src/components"
When a user creates a new component, they'll see the suggested path for the component in a subdirectory of the path configured here.
A screenshot of the Codux interface for creating a new component, showing various input fields for component details and options to use a board template for the new component.
For information on creating board templates to use for new components, see here.

Property: templatesPath (string, optional)  

Out of the box, Codux comes with a simple built-in template for new components. When users create a new component, they get a simple text div to start them off. To give them a jump start, you can create a custom template with more relevant elements, style sheets, and other related files for them to base their new components off of. Codux will generate new component files using the template's code, and copy the relevant files over to the new component.
The templatesPath property specifies that relative path to the component templates folder where available templates are stored. Here's how it's used:
    "$schema": "",
    "newComponent": {
        "componentsPath": "src/components",
        "templatesPath": "src/component-templates"
Templates in this path will show up in the new component dialog for users to create their new components from.
Codux create new component dialog showing available component templates.

Creating Templates 

A component template can consist of either a single file or multiple files. For single-file templates, you can store them directly in the templates path. If your template has multiple files, organize them within a subdirectory. With multi-file templates, follow one of these three naming conventions for the template file:
  • new-board.board.tsx (kebab-case)
  • NewBoard.board.tsx (pascal-case)
  • newComponent.board.tsx (camel-case)
The template name that shows in Codux will be based on either the folder name (for multi-file templates) or the single-file template file name.
Here's an example of a project directory structure with three component templates:

├── src
│ ├── components
│ ├── component-templates
│ │ ├── toggle-control
│ │ │ ├── new-component.css
│ │ │ ├── new-component.tsx
│ │ ├── button.tsx
│ │ ├── other-template
│ │ │ ├── new-component.tsx

In this structure:
  • src is the root directory where source files are located.
  • components is a directory that would typically contain individual component files.
  • component-templates is a directory that contains subdirectories for different types of component templates.
  • toggle-control is a template directory with its own CSS and TypeScript files.
  • button is a single-file template.
  • other-template is a third template directory, also with a TypeScript file.

Using Templates 

The video below shows what happens when a component (ToggleSwitch) is created from the toggle-control template. When the new component renders on the stage, you can see that it already contains the code copied from the template.
Behind the scenes, Codux takes the code from the component template file and saves it to the new component file. Here's what the template component file used in the making of this video ccontains:
// new-component.tsx
import React from 'react';
import './new-component.css';
export const NewComponent = () => (
    <div className="newComponent">I am a NewComponent made from a template</div>
Notice how references to the component's name in the new component file created in the video match the name of the new component? Codux replaces these automatically.
// toggle-switch.tsx
import React from 'react';
import './toggle-switch.css';
export const ToggleSwitch = () => (
    <div className="toggleSwitch">I am a ToggleSwitch made from a template</div>