Create a New Project

To create a new project, click New Project on the left side of the screen. You'll see this screen by default if you haven't yet started or opened any projects.
You can choose to start the new project from any of the blank or quick-start templates we provide. Use the filter at the top of the Projects screen to sort templates by your preferred tech stack.
Just click on a template, enter a name for it, and choose the location on your computer to save it to.
After the new project is set up for you, you'll be asked to run the Install project script which will set up the project's prerequisites. Click Run when prompted.
All templates use React and TypeScript.

Create a repository for the new project 

When you create a new project, it isn't yet linked to a GitHub repository. All changes are saved locally on your computer, and you won't be able to share the changes with others until you create the repository to sync them to.
Organizations in GitHub allow for OAuth App access restrictions, which, when enabled, may prevent Codux from pushing synced changes to the repository in that organization. Be sure that Codux is an approved OAuth App allowed in your organization.
To create a repository for the new project in Codux, click on the Sync button in the top bar. You'll see a message that either indicates that you need to log in with GitHub in Codux and then create a new repository, or just that you need to create a new repository if you're already logged in. Either way, click Continue.
When logged in to GitHub, choose the GitHub repository owner from the list populated from your GitHub account. Then, enter a name for the repo, give it a description, and select Create.
A dialog box with a Create and Cancel button. The dialog box contains a dropdown for owner (organization), text fields for repository name and description, and radio buttons for choosing the type of repository (public or private).
If you intend to share your project online, you'll have to publish it to GitHub as a public repository, as only public repositories are supported in the Codux Online Playground at this time.
Codux will give you the link to the new repository as soon as it's created.